Our DP Daniel Cojanu spent his fair share of time in spotting planes and helicopters this month, documenting an ambitious wolf relocation effort launched by the National Park Service. Daniel joined a team of US and Canadian biologists as they captured wolves in Ontario and released them on Isle Royal, an island in Lake Superior.
The idea is that the wolves (which had decimated the caribou population where they lived in Ontario) will help keep the moose populations down on Isle Royal. This will actually help the moose, which are destroying their own habitat and suffering from health issues, while increasing genetic diversity of the wolves currently living on the island. In two trips, Daniel filmed the biologists as they tagged and took samples from female moose, and the successful capture and transfer of several wolves. His footage was helpful with publicity efforts, appearing in at least one story on ABC News.
As the seasons change, we’ll continue documenting this critical effort to restore balance to the Lake Superior ecosystem. You can help the National Parks of Lake Superior Foundation with this project by donating to the cause!