Braving the cold to help fishermen rescue sea turtles

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20 degrees? The show must go on! Our stalwart crew, from left: Eric Matzen, Tom Dowd, Capt. Trevor Grams, and UCP DP Daniel Cojanu.


When sea turtles are accidentally caught in fishing gear, fishermen need to know what it takes to resuscitate them. We teamed up with NOAA’s Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center to shoot a how-to video showing the simple steps that can save a sea turtle’s life.

Finding a fishing boat, cold-stunned (and deceased) turtles, and a fisherman to demonstrate real-world conditions was a bit of a feat– but the stars aligned in mid-January. Juuuust as a cold snap hit the region! We’re eternally grateful to our host Eric Matzen of the NEFSC Protected Species Branch, Falmouth fisherman Tom Dowd, and the crew of the R/V Gloria Michelle for braving the cold to make this production happen.

Now, time to edit… from the comfort of the home office!