“Evolve” Premieres on Curiosity Stream

For once, it was no problem to figure out what to binge-watch last night. The series “Evolve” premiere on Curiosity Stream, of course!

“Evolve” features biologist Patrick Ayee (high five for BIPOC representation!!) traveling around the world in search of incredible adaptations in the animal world and meeting up with humans that mimic those adaptations into technologies that might help us adapt to life on other planets. We probably would have been into this show anyways, but it was extra significant that we’d contributed to it. In collaboration with our friend Lu Lamar at Planetary Atmosphere, UCP’s Daniel Cojanu filmed the ultra stylized shots of longfin squid that appear in the fourth episode, “Protect”. The episode also features Roger Hanlon, a biomimickry specialist at the Marine Biological Laboratory, who we have worked with several times for other productions.

We won’t give it away – watch the trailer, then watch for yourself on Curiosity Stream. (A yearly subscription is less than $20, or you can watch monthly for $3.)