Crowdsourcing Fukushima Research

Years after an earthquake and tsunami rocked Fukushima, Japan, we’re still not sure if it’s safe to swim in or eat fish from the Pacific. Research by scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (and others) indicate that the radiation … Continued

SAVING PARADISE Screens at Buzzards Bay Film Festival

We’re pleased to announce that SAVING PARADISE will screen at the Buzzards Bay Film Festival! We’re glad to be part of a program that showcases the environment and culture around Buzzards Bay, from features films to 1-minute cellphone videos. Although … Continued

Video Goes Viral With Postcard Underground

It’s not often that we get mail at One School Street, the office building in Woods Hole that we share with John Todd Ecological Design. But soon after releasing a video highlighting JTED’s fabulous work cleaning up oil pollution in … Continued